OUR TRADITIONS Silence W.L. Wilmshurst advocated that at Lodge meetings complete silence should be maintained and attention focussed on the work in hand. On entering the Lodge each brother should resolutely and absolutely banish from his mind all external affairs The Lodge has a period of silence before beginning its work and Wilmshurst also emphasised he importance of a three-minute silence at the conclusion of the main business, to allow brethren: 'to unite in realising the presence of the GAOTU and their unity in Him. The climax of the First Degree is the restoration to light; the climax of the Second, Wilmshurst felt, should be a period of silence to stress the fundamental importance of silence and meditation, so that one can listen to the still small voice within. The Second Degree, Wilmshurst felt, should have brought us: 'to vivid realisation that in the heart of each of us there burns invisibly a "blazing star or glory in the centre." The personal realisation of that supreme truth was for him the whole purpose of the Second Degree.' At the March meeting we read W.L. Wilmshurst's Book of the Perfect Lodge, in which each of the Lodge Officers reads Wilmshurst's interpretation of the symbolic role of his office. This is, therefore, a particularly good meeting to visit. Censing the Lodge Room Before we open the Lodge we cense the room in preparation for the sacred and solemn work we are about to undertake. Ceremony of the Lesser Lights Beneath the "G" in middle of the Lodge of Living Stones, hangs a central light. During our Opening ceremony, light is spread out through the Lodge from this centre to the Lesser Lights at the pedestals of the three principal officers. In the Closing ceremony light returns again to the centre. This flame represents for us the Light of spiritual illumination and also the Lamp of knowledge. |
W.L. Wilmshurst's
Ring In November 1917 Wilmshurst had received a gift of a ring from two old friends (Mr and Mrs Montague Powell) which became his greatest treasure. From the moment he received it, it seldom left his hand. The stone of the ring is a Jasper and portrays some Gnostic Christian initiate's private mark or glyph, and is a symbol of the regenerative mystery. It is Graeco-Italian work of the early second century AD, and depicts the following:
The Noon-Day Prayer Wilmshurst encouraged every member of the Lodge at "high-twelve" every day to spend a few moments to 'banish every other concern from his thought and try to visualise, clearly and earnestly, himself and his fellow members gathered together in Lodge, in peace, concord and charity with each other' each reciting what has become known in the Lodge as "The Noon-Day Prayer." |
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